Transform Your Life and Relationships with Voice Dialogue

Integrating Your Inner Selves is Key

Voice Dialogue is a method for becoming conscious of the different selves (sometimes referred to as parts, sub-personalities or ego states) that make up who you are (just like in the movie Inside Out).

Voice Dialogue in Daily Life

Some of these selves are in charge - maybe for you it's the Pleaser or Responsible Mother or Father or Psychological Knower or Spiritual Seeker or Worrier or Rebel. Other selves you use occasionally, maybe your Joker, Singer, Adventurer, Playful Inner Child. While others you have completely rejected, maybe your Vulnerable Inner Child, Instinctual Self/Selves, Spontaneous Self.

Voice Dialogue in Daily Life

Voice Dialogue enables you to communicate directly with your selves. The process grows your understanding and awareness of how you operate and enables you to gently integrate previously rejected selves, along with their gifts.
This enriches your sense of self, heals old patterns and wounds, and strengthens your ability to make conscious choices.

Voice Dialogue in Daily Life

Start Your Voice Dialogue Journey with this FREE Ebook

Click the cover for more information

Free Voice Dialogue ebook by Astra Niedra
“Voice Dialogue is original and brilliant”
-John Bradshaw, author of Homecoming

Hi, I'm Astra

Astra Niedra Voice Dialogue Teacher

I’m a Voice Dialogue teacher and author with over 35 years experience doing this consciousness work, and have trained directly with Voice Dialogue's founders Drs Hal and Sidra Stone.

This website is intended as a resource for anyone who wants to learn about Voice Dialogue and how to use it in their daily life.

I've included information on key concepts, on how to apply the techniques in relationshipschild-raising and your own personal development, and about various selves, such as the Pusher, Inner Critic, Business Selves and Vulnerable Inner Child.

You can start the process of growing your awareness of your selves with my Introduction to Voice Dialogue ebook, which you can download for FREE. It introduces you to 20 selves and gives you a simple process to discover which are your primary and disowned selves.

>>Download it here<<

“We consider Astra Niedra to be an outstanding teacher, trainer and facilitator of the Voice Dialogue process”
-Hal Stone PhD and Sidra Stone PhD, Founders of Voice Dialogue

What is Voice Dialogue?

Developed by pioneering psychologists Dr Hal Stone and Dr Sidra Stone, Voice Dialogue is a method for giving voice to our various selves – also referred to as ‘inner selves’, ‘parts’ and ‘energy patterns’, and include archetypes. 

Your selves might include a Knowledge Seeker, Pleaser, Responsible Parent, Rational Mind, Inner Critic, Perfectionist, Vulnerable Child, Playful Child, Rebel, Spiritual Seeker, Couch Potato, Adventurer, Romantic, Good MotherCaring Father, Angry Mother or Father, Anxious Child or any other self you can imagine.

Voice Dialogue Inner selves examples

The process of connecting with, embodying and directly dialoguing with our selves allows us to realise which selves we've become identified with, why those selves took charge and how they keep us safe, and then which aspects of ourselves have been rejected or hidden.

Through the Voice Dialogue process we gain understanding and acceptance of our-selves. As our awareness grows of how we've come to identify with particular aspects of our psyche, we begin to make space for our rejected selves and the gifts they have for us. 

This process, which involves embracing opposite selves, along with their conflicting perspectives and feelings, leads to growth in consciousness.

It results in the actualisation or restoration of balance and harmony, with a connection to a centre within ourselves from where we can manage the array of selves / energy patterns that inhabit us. 

And when we see how our selves influence our relationships, then we can solve all kinds of relationship and parenting problems, allowing us to feel more love, connection and growth in our life and relationships.

This work is deeply transformative and healing, and can be used together with any other modality or practice that promotes self-awareness and consciousness.

After you get my introductory ebook, learn more about the different selves in this one:

Which Self Are You? An Overview of Inner Selves, with an Introduction to Voice Dialogue
>>More information here<<

“I consider the Voice Dialogue process to be one of the most powerful tools for personal growth that I’ve ever discovered.”
-Shakti Gawain

“Your knowledge about energetic fields and children is JUST what I need at this time”

“Thank you for your insights and words of wisdom. I wish your parenting with Voice Dialogue had been around when my girls were growing up.”

“WOW Astra, you do write the most wonderful applications of Voice Dialogue for a better world.”

Astra's Voice Dialogue Articles Have Featured In:

Why I wrote Enlightenment Through Motherhood
Tiny Buddha Astra Niedra Relationship Article
Nurture Parenting Magazine Astra Niedra
Voice Dialogue International Logo
Astra Niedra's Finer Minds Article - The Hidden Secret to Lasting Passion in Your Relationship
Rebelle Society Astra Niedra Article


  1. Brava Astra:
    Your website is stunning, visually beautiful, and full of ideas and information. I wish you were nearby so we could meet and talk.
    Dassie Hoffman

    1. Author

      Thanks for your wonderful feedback Dassie – I would love to go to New York again some day… if/when I do, I’ll definitely be in touch!

    1. Author

      Hi Coly – to be added to the mail list you will need to fill in the subscription form on my site (the form appears on most pages). I’m unable to add you manually because it is an automated process.
      Thank you,

  2. Hello,
    Your site was recommended to me by a friend who works with Voice Dialogue an I am interested in learning more. I signed up for your free download, but did not receive an email confirmation. My experience with email confirmations is that they usually are almost “automatic,” in that they happen almost instantaneously after signing up. I just wondered if there’s a problem from my end, or maybe yours.
    Many thanks for your response.

    1. Author

      Hi Judy – can you remember which form, on which page, you signed up on? That would make it easier to check if there’s a mistake in the settings for that type of form.

    1. Author

      Hi Judy – I’ve tested the form and it works for me, and I’m getting notifications daily that other people are downloading the ebook, so I don’t know what the problem might be. You should receive a ‘Confirm your request’ email as soon as you submit the form. Maybe check your junk and spam folders in case that’s where it’s going?

  3. Wow Astra. You made some kind of magic happen! I completed the form again, immediately got an email confirmation, confirmed on your site and voila!! the ebook arrived.
    Thank you so much. Who knows what happened previously, but something changed and we’re connected. I look forward to reading the book and to your newsletters.
    Many thanks,

  4. Author

    That’s great! I hope you enjoy the ebook. There’s also plenty of information throughout my website. I hope you gain something of value from it all.
    Kind regards,

  5. Astra,

    Thank you for the writing and information you’ve created and shared. It’s come at a time when I most need it. I look forward to learning more over time as I read more and hope to heal. It wasn’t until I shut down social media that I began to truly understand how empty I’ve become.

    In any case. Thank you.

  6. Hi Astra,
    Do you offer VD sessions on a 1 on 1 basis? I am interested in have a session to help with some areas in my live.

    I am away of VD and have used it within my own life to a certain point however I need some more support to dig a bit deeper.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    1. Author

      Hi Carmel – sorry for taking so long to reply. At the moment I’m not seeing any clients but might start up again this year. I can let you know when I do. In the meantime, there’s a list of facilitators worldwide here: I’d suggest going through some of the profiles to see who you might like to work with. Many facilitators now offer sessions online so you can work with someone from just about anywhere.

      All the best and kind regards,

  7. Hi,
    I purchased your vices however cannot seem to find them. Can you please send me the link again?
    Kindest regards, Joelle

    1. Author

      Hi Joelle – Can you please specify which book you purchased? I actually don’t handle any sales myself as they go through the bookstores so you’ll have to contact whichever store you purchased it from. If, however, it’s the free ebook you’re referring to, could you please re-subscribe to my mail list and you’ll be able to download it again. It all happens on autopilot. Let me know if you need further help, Astra

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