The Voice Dialogue Series

Voice Dialogue & The Psychology of Selves Videos & Audios
The Voice Dialogue Series Training & Education Videos & Audios

“Voice Dialogue is original and brilliant.” John Bradshaw

Watch this Free 10-Minute Sample from The Voice Dialogue Series

This clip from The Voice Dialogue Series is Dr Hal Stone being interviewed by Michael Domeyko Rowland about what Voice Dialogue is, the structure of the personality, the inner teacher and more. 

If you'd like to purchase the Series, click the relevant button below or scroll to the end of this page for more information about the Series and the two purchasing options.

Who are Drs Hal and Sidra Stone?

Dr Hal Stone and Dr Sidra Stone are husband and wife psychologists from the USA who in the 1970s first developed the Voice Dialogue method and the theoretical structure attending it known as The Psychology of Selves. As their work evolved, it later also became known as The Psychology of the Aware Ego.

Their work was influenced by Carl Jung (Hal Stone was a Jungian Analyst for a time and even met Jung), while Sidra Stone was influenced by Hermann Hesse and Nikos Kazantzakis

The Stones' work includes the discovery of 'selves' as distinct psychological structures/energy patterns that we are able to dialogue with and separate from, the 'Aware Ego Process', which allows us to hold the tension of opposite selves and make genuine choices, and relationship 'bonding patterns', which has given us a framework to understand and creatively deal with relationship problems.

“I consider the Voice Dialogue process to be one of the most powerful tools for personal growth I’ve ever discovered.” - Shakti Gawain

Study at Home at Your Own Pace

The Voice Dialogue Series videos and audios allow you to learn about Voice Dialogue directly from Drs Hal and Sidra Stone, in the comfort of your own home.

You get to see and hear Hal and Sidra explaining and demonstrating their work. 

Filming and recording took place both at their home in Northern California and at a Voice Dialogue workshop they led in Australia’s Blue Mountains.

Who is The Voice Dialogue Series for?

The Voice Dialogue Series is for both professional therapists, psychologists, coaches, bodyworkers and healers of all kinds wanting to use this work with clients and for anyone else interested in learning about their psyche and the Voice Dialogue method for their personal growth and in their relationships.

Hal and Sidra have always maintained that Voice Dialogue is a gift for everyone and so it can be used in many different contexts, including personally and professionally in therapy, performing and visual arts training, sports coaching, business communication training, and so on. Anyone who wants a better understanding of their feelings, thoughts and behaviours will benefit from this work. 

What is Included in The Voice Dialogue Series?

In the video material (about 12 hours in total) you get to see teaching sessions by Hal and Sidra, interviews with Hal and Sidra, and demonstrations of Hal and Sidra facilitating each other using Voice Dialogue and then discussing the facilitations.

The audios (about 8 hours) are interviews with Hal and Sidra, covering topics such as the energetics of relationship, how to use illness as a teacher for consciousness growth, and how to use dreams as a personal growth tool. They also discuss a large number of selves (see the list of which ones below).

Topics Covered in the Videos:

Video 1

Introduction to Voice Dialogue - 9 mins

Video 2

Primary Selves - 61 mins

Video 3

Disowned Selves and the Effect of these Selves on Health - 63 mins

Video 4

A New Vision of Consciousness - 55 mins

Video 5

Relationships and Bonding Patterns 1 - 58 mins

Video 6

Relationships and Bonding Patterns 2 - 71 mins

Video 7

 Dreams - 59 mins

Video 8

The Origins, Benefits and How to do Voice Dialogue - 70 mins

Video 9

Voice Dialogue Demonstrations 1 - 53 mins

Video 10

Voice Dialogue Demonstrations 2 - 52 mins

Video 11

Voice Dialogue Demonstrations 3 – Relationships - 51 mins

Video 12

Voice Dialogue Demonstrations 4 – Working with Dreams - 44 mins

The Audios Include Discussion About These Selves:

Rulemaker / Rebel
Special / Ordinary 
Observer / Spontaneous 
Spiritual / Earthly
Mind / Feelings
Patriarch / Matriarch 
 Control / Release 

Sensuality & Sexuality

Pleaser / Selfish 

Psychological Knower

What will people think?
Independent / Dependent
Pusher / Being
Invisible / Spacer / Chameleon
Perfectionist / Slob

Responsible Parent

Power / Vulnerability
Jungle Energy / Victim
Personal / Impersonal
Abuser / Victim
Critic / Judge / Inner Teacher

Inner Vulnerable Child

Playful Child

Magical Child

The Audios Also Include These Topics:

Introduction to The Psychology of Selves

The Effects of Selves on Health

Illness as a Teacher

How to Interpret Your Dreams

How to Remember Dreams 

Disowned Selves in Dreams

Themes and Symbols in Dreams

Mythic and Archetypal Dreams

What You'll Gain from The Voice Dialogue Series Videos & Audios:

A comprehensive understanding of what is involved in Voice Dialogue facilitation, and the experience of seeing how it looks.
Clarity about the difference between the experience of selves, awareness and consciousness.
Deeper insight into the many selves discussed, relationships, physical and mental health, and how we humans work in general.
Voice Dialogue Training Videos and Audios

With almost 20 hours of content to watch and listen to, you're guaranteed to be touched by Hal and Sidra Stone's wisdom, humour and heart.

Hal passed away in 2020, and Sidra has retired from teaching, so this is the only opportunity to see them present their entire work together in a workshop and interview format on video.

If you enjoy learning about the human psyche, if you'd like to have available a method for clearly understanding yourself and your relationships, if you're a therapist and you'd like a tool you can use to facilitate the deepest healing and growth for your clients, then you'll love The Voice Dialogue Series

The depth and breadth of content in these videos and audios, and the way it's presented in a lively and entertaining way, will leave you thoroughly enriched, informed and inspired to continue your own consciousness process.


Which Self Are You? An Overview of Inner Selves, with an Introduction to Voice Dialogue

Get Which Self Are You? by Astra Niedra as a gift when you order The Voice Dialogue Series.

It makes a great companion to the Series as it gives you a written introduction to what Voice Dialogue is and an overview of 44 different selves.

“A wonderful experience to read. The descriptions are detailed, interesting, and succinct…. It was not only informational and illuminating, but a lot of fun.” - Blak Jack

How to Purchase The Voice Dialogue Series

Option 1: Stream/Download The Voice Dialogue Series and start watching instantly. You can watch on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Your Investment: $147 (USD).

When you click the gold 'Stream / Download' button below, you'll be taken to the orders page on Vimeo, where the Series is hosted.

After you click the 'Buy' button there, you'll be asked to log into or register a Vimeo account (easy to do and free).

Once you've completed your order you'll be able to start watching instantly.

(To receive the bonus ebook, please email your Vimeo receipt to astra (at symbol) voicedialogue dot com with a message that you've ordered the Series.)

Option 2: Have The Voice Dialogue Series on 6 DVDs and 8 CDs sent to you. Includes FREE shipping to anywhere in the world.

Your Investment: $147 (USD).

When you click the gold button to purchase the DVDs/CDs you'll be taken to the Voice Dialogue in Daily Life PayPal orders page, where you'll be able to make your purchase with the credit card of your choice.

Your order will be shipped asap, and you'll receive an email with your free bonus ebook.

Reviews and Endorsements

"In our wildest fantasies we couldn’t have imagined a more remarkable gift than that which Michael (Presenter and Interviewer) and John (Producer) have given us with the production of this documentary... If you are involved in Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves in any capacity, these outstanding films will be of real value to you..." - Drs Hal and Sidra Stone

"What a gift, to have the extraordinary and unique work of Drs Hal and Sidra Stone documented in this way... Witnessing their work and their bond through this series has had a profoundly inspirational and emotional effect on me that will stay with me and continue to affect me forever...  The Series offers an accessible and affordable way to learn about, apply and benefit from the powerful approach. It has changed the way I react and view others and brought me personal growth, peace and a newfound perception." - Alice Coolentianos

"What I learned with Voice Dialogue has truly changed my life." - Susi Graf

"The Voice Dialogue Series is the most comprehensive and easily accessible resource available on the market today, especially if you want to learn the complete 'ins and outs' of the Voice Dialogue method, and begin to deeply understand the various components which support this simple, yet profound method of self-discovery and growth.” - Mary Disharoon, Marriage and Family Therapist

"In our teaching programs for psychotherapists, consultants and trainers we have found that The Voice Dialogue Series gives an inspiring and clear contribution to the work we offer. We heartily recommend the Series as an important asset to any educational program aimed at giving insight into human behaviour." - Robert Stamboliev, Institute of Transformational Psychology 

"The Voice Dialogue Series has been one of the most instrumental teaching mediums I came across in my twenty years as a psychotherapist and teacher. It offers a clear presentation of the Voice Dialogue method and the Psychology of Selves, one of the most profound theories of the last 50 years.

I use the Series while I teach university students, when I present for national conferences and in my training of mental health professionals with astounding results. Hal and Sidra’s informal presentation style transforms their intricate concepts into a natural theory that is easy to follow.

I would highly recommend The Voice Dialogue Series to individuals seeking a comprehensive introduction to the Psychology of Selves. I also recommend the Series to experienced Voice Dialogue facilitators since the material can serve as an excellent tool for continual review and training in the Psychology of Selves system." - Yolanda Koumidou-Vlesmas, ACSW, Psychotherapist 

"Voice Dialogue and Breathwork are complementary and mutually supportive techniques. Breathwork deals very effectively with traumatic experiences, bringing them to consciousness and integration, and thus dissolving the blocked energy they contain. It cannot, however, deal with the complexity of our various subpersonalities and their differing agendas. Through Voice Dialogue this becomes simple and deep fun. Voice Dialogue complements and deepens the integration brought about through Breathwork through the fine details of what it reveals on cognitive and analytical levels." - Joy Manne, PhD

"Having this new set of videos and audios of Hal and Sidra Stone is a tremendous boost for my teaching. I train therapists, coaches, and health professionals in Voice Dialogue facilitation, and this new teaching tool has brought the masters right into my classroom. It’s the best assistance I could possibly have." - Miriam Dyak, Counsellor, Senior Voice Dialogue Teacher

"The Series is masterfully edited, with thoughtful narration and one-on-one interviews, that are blended into the live presentations to reinforce the major teaching points. This Series is a must for anyone using Voice Dialogue in a professional capacity and highly recommended for those who are using Voice Dialogue to improve their relationships and their quality of life." - Michael Powell, MD

"I have longed to have such a teaching resource as is now available in the new video/audio series available from the creators of Voice Dialogue... The Series should be a requirement in the curriculum for all general students, but is absolutely a must for those in the clinical, behavioural and medical sciences."Wm C Harrell, MD

“Actors will uncover a dynamite of information in this superb Series. The extraordinary insights into characters and relationships will empower any artist’s process on a truly transformational level. You’ll never research and rehearse a character the same again! This is a must for every actor dedicated to creating work informed by depth, detail and, above all, recognizable human behavior. Your audiences will thank you for ever.” - Dean Carey, Artistic Director, Actors Centre Australia

"As a French training and  consulting company, we have been using Voice Dialogue in professional coaching for several years. We use it either alone or in combination with the well-known Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). These approaches complement each other very well, the MBTI giving a map and a compass to describe the psyche and Voice Dialogue giving a methodology to 'walk' through the psychic territory."Geneviève Cailloux MA, Pierre Cauvin PhD, Osiris Conseil