Hello and Welcome!

I'm a Voice Dialogue teacher and facilitator from Australia, originally from Sydney, and now in South-East Queensland.

I've trained directly with Drs Hal and Sidra Stone, both in the USA and in Australia, and I've been doing this consciousness work for about 35 years.

My tertiary studies were in Philosophy and Education (including child development). I've worked as an editor in legal and natural health publishing, and I was once Editor of WellBeing magazine (30 years ago) when vitamin supplements and yoga were still considered alternative. I've also trained in Reiki I and II, and have been practicing yoga and meditation since my early 20s.

I'm a mother of 3 (now adults), and I used the techniques I write about to help with parenting challenges - and still do!

I'm fascinated with how human beings work, and although I've learnt a great deal from my studies it's my relationships with my partner and children that have taught me the most.

The next most important teachers have been Hal and Sidra Stone through their Voice Dialogue work. But in a sense that has come first because it's allowed/enabled me to learn and grow from my personal relationships in ways I wouldn't have been able to without it.

Whether you lightly dip or deeply dive into the content of this website, and maybe (I encourage you to) try doing Voice Dialogue with someone, I hope you gain as much from this empowering transformational work as I have.

To support my work and enable me to produce more valuable content for you, please buy one of my books or the Voice Dialogue Video and Audio Series or make a donation via the button below.

Astra photo

“We consider Astra Niedra to be an outstanding teacher, trainer and facilitator of the Voice Dialogue process and its attendant theoretical structure relating to the Psychology of the Aware Ego... You are fortunate to have her with you in Sydney”
-Hal Stone PhD and Sidra Stone PhD, Founders of Voice Dialogue


    1. Author

      Hi Margie – I haven’t been doing sessions for a while but am thinking of starting up again soon. I’m currently looking for a good space to practice from. If you’re interested I can let you know the details when I start.
      Kind regards, Astra

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