Enlightenment Through Motherhood

“This book is just what the world needs now as our planet continues to move towards political and ecological disaster while the patriarchal systems that still dominate our thinking continue to devalue everything traditionally – and biologically – female.”Dr Sidra Stone

Motherhood Unveiled: The Hidden (and Messiest) Path to Spiritual Growth

Motherhood is misunderstood. We’ve long believed that when women become mothers, they are taking time out from real work and serious personal growth, especially spiritual development. But we’ve had it all wrong.

While heavily pregnant with my third child, I embarked on what I hoped would be a relaxing pre-new-baby holiday in the tropical paradise of Australia’s Far North with my husband and two young daughters in tow.

During this so-called ‘holiday’ (there really should be another word to describe an overnight excursion with young children!), I discovered a profound truth: the skills and abilities mothers use each day are the very practices prescribed for enlightenment seekers.

Join me on my journey of discovery and feel inspired, entertained and spiritually uplifted, all the while becoming increasingly grounded in the unshakeable truth that there is far more to being a mother and raising children than conventional wisdom would have us believe. 

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“This book is just what the world needs now as our planet continues to move towards political and ecological disaster while the patriarchal systems that still dominate our thinking continue to devalue everything traditionally – and biologically – female.

In a most perfect balance of yin and yang, of logic and feeling, of humor and gravity, Astra Niedra reclaims for all human beings – not just women – a precious element of that which is truly sacred in life.

Her simple, spellbinding stories, her keen intellect, and her unfailing humor make this book a pleasure to read. Here is a new way of thinking of spirituality, of valuing our humanity while living a spirit-infused life, and a fascinating (and novel) path to enlightenment! It’s a consciousness changer and I loved it.”

– Sidra Stone PhD, author of Embracing Our Selves, Partnering, Embracing Your Inner Critic, and The Shadow King

“Enlightenment indeed! I hope many women have the opportunity to read Astra’s book. Being pregnant, birthing and mothering are the most important jobs on earth. Honouring these roles is important for governments and society to appreciate and elevate to a much higher status. Astra’s journey is familiar, delightfully written and inspiring.”

– Susan Ross, Midwife, Birth Educator and author of Birth Right

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Reader Reviews:

I loved the way the author tells the stories and ties them back to seeking enlightenment. It’s funny, sweet, and thought provoking. A great read for all mothers, especially those who sometimes feel like they are not enough. I feel stronger after reading that being a mother is so spiritual, never before recognizing that fact. I loved this book!Ann Shepich
Thanks for the great read. As a mum of a 4-year-old boy and 2-year-old girl, and 71/2 months pregnant with the third, it’s just what I needed.Kasia
I enjoyed this immensely. I recently had my 4th child and was able to laugh and sympathise often with the author. She is very down to earth and makes many parallels I am unsure I’d have considered before reading this book. Definitely a fun and entertaining book while sharing a bit of spiritual goodness as well.Katie
This book put into words just what, and how, I was feeling about my own spiritual journey. Women and men have such different experiences and this book beautifully articulates them. Thank you for putting it out there.Amanda

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